
Think Machine is inspired by the oldest and newest ideas in computing.

  1. Vannevar Bush publishes As We May Think, imagining Thinking Machines that amplify and augment human ability. A core idea is the Memex, a memory extension device that uses trails as high-level concepts through the system.
  2. Ted Nelson coins hypertext, and imagines visual two way links in a world where information is deeply interconnected.

  3. Douglas Engelbart performs The Mother of all Demos and showcased modern tools, including a multi-modal hypertext system.

  4. Tim Berners-Lee invents the WWW, and imagines an editable and semantic web.

  5. John Gruber releases Markdown, a human friendly way to write HTML.
  6. Stephen Wolfram begins work on a Fundamental Theory of Physics. A computational Universe built on a structureless structure, the hypergraph.

  7. OpenAI releases ChatGPT, a calculator for words. LLMs, Embeddings and Vector search get really good.

Think Machine combines these ideas into something completely new.

It's weird. It's fun. I've been playing with these ideas for a long time and this is the first time they've ever come together like this.

Give it a try, and see what you think.