General Schematics

Information Language

General Schematics is an information language that powers Think Machine. It's a superset of Markdown, which means if you're familiar with Markdown, you're already partway there!

But General Schematics goes beyond, offering powerful tools for linking ideas and creating dynamic knowledge structures.

Automatic Symbol Linking

When you mention a symbol in your notes, General Schematics automatically creates a link. This means your ideas are always connected, creating a rich web of knowledge.

Trail Links

Connect multiple symbols together to create trails through your ideas. It's like creating a path through your knowledge landscape. Learn more about Trail Links.

Header Contexts

Use headers as symbols, and everything under that header becomes linked to that symbol. It's an effortless way to create context and structure in your notes.

Header Sections in the HyperEditor

Dynamic Content

As you adjust the Interwingle setting, content dynamically adapts based on context. Your knowledge becomes fluid and responsive.

Why General Schematics?

General Schematics isn't just another note-taking system. It's a declarative approach to information management. Instead of spelling out every detail, you set up the structure and let the system do the heavy lifting.

This approach allows you to:

  • Focus on big-picture thinking
  • Discover unexpected connections between ideas
  • Create rich, interactive knowledge maps with minimal effort

The Philosophy Behind General Schematics

General Schematics was developed hand-in-hand with Think Machine, and shares the same inspiration.

Getting Started

Ready to dive in? Here are some resources to help you get started with General Schematics:

General Schematics is at the heart of Think Machine, enabling you to create, connect, and explore ideas in ways you never thought possible. It's more than a tool—it's a new lens through which to view and interact with information.


For questions please email [email protected]