
Connection complexity dial

Interwingle is a powerful feature in Think Machine that allows you to dynamically adjust the interconnectedness of your information. It works closely with Cascading Context and Trail Links to create a flexible, context-aware knowledge network.

What is Interwingle?

Think of Interwingle as a dial that controls the complexity of connections in your knowledge network. As you turn the dial, you can see your information reorganize itself, revealing different layers of relationships and contexts.

How It Works

Interwingle offers four modes of increasing complexity. Each mode reveals a different level of connections in your 3D Mind Maps and Networked Notes.

Interwingle Modes

  1. Isolated: The simplest mode. Only explicit connections are shown, with no additional linking.
  2. Confluence: Connects common starting points, creating tree-like structures. This mode helps you see how ideas branch out from shared origins.
  3. Fusion: Links end points of information trails. This mode comes in two varieties:
    • Regular Fusion: Connects highly related end symbols, showing how different thought paths might converge.
    • Fusion Bridge: Directly maps two symbols across the network, highlighting strong relationships between concepts.
  4. Bridge: The most complex mode. Creates connections between midpoints of information trails, revealing intricate relationships between ideas.

Animated GIF: Visualization of Interwingle modes, showing how connections change as the complexity increases

The Power of Interwingle

Interwingle dynamically updates your knowledge network based on the selected mode. This means:

  • You can instantly switch between simple and complex views of your data.
  • Hidden connections become visible as you increase complexity.
  • Your Research Workspace adapts to your current needs and focus.

Why It Matters

Interwingle allows you to:

  • Control the complexity of your information landscape.
  • Discover unexpected connections between ideas.
  • Focus on simplicity when needed, or dive deep into complex relationships.
  • Adapt your thinking process to different tasks and projects.

Getting Started with Interwingle

  1. Create a network of ideas using Trail Links in your HyperEditor.
  2. Locate the Interwingle dial in your Think Machine interface.
  3. Start with the Isolated mode to see your basic network.
  4. Gradually increase the complexity by turning the dial through each mode.
  5. Observe how new connections and contexts emerge as you adjust the complexity.

Pro Tips

  • Use GPS symbols as anchors in your network to maintain orientation across different Interwingle modes.
  • Combine Interwingle with InstaCartography to discover AI-generated connections at different complexity levels.
  • Experiment with different modes for various tasks: use simpler modes for focused work, and complex modes for brainstorming or finding unexpected links.
  • Pay attention to how Cascading Context changes as you adjust the Interwingle dial.

Ready to explore the interconnectedness of your ideas?


For questions please email [email protected]