Cascading Context

See the forest and the trees

Cascading Context is a powerful feature in Think Machine that allows information to appear differently based on its connections and complexity. It works hand in hand with Trail Links and Interwingle to create a dynamic, context-aware knowledge network.

What is Cascading Context?

Think of Cascading Context as CSS for your ideas. Just as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) determine how web elements appear based on their relationships, Cascading Context determines how your information appears based on its connections and context.

How It Works

Cascading Context relies heavily on the Interwingle feature, which controls the interconnection complexity of your knowledge network. As you adjust the Interwingle dial, you'll see your information reorganize itself, revealing different layers of context.

Interwingle Modes

  1. Isolated: No connections beyond explicit links.
  2. Confluence: Connects common starting points, creating tree-like structures.
  3. Fusion: Links end points of information trails.
    • Regular Fusion: Connects highly related end symbols.
    • Fusion Bridge: Directly maps two symbols across the network.
  4. Bridge: Creates connections between midpoints of information trails.

As you move through these modes, you'll see your information network grow in complexity and reveal new contexts.

The Power of Context

Cascading Context dynamically updates your 3D Mind Maps and Networked Notes based on the Interwingle mode. This means:

  • Information appears or disappears as you adjust complexity.
  • Notes gain new connections in higher Interwingle modes.
  • Your knowledge network becomes more dynamic and context-aware.

Why It Matters

Cascading Context allows you to:

  • View your information from multiple perspectives.
  • Discover hidden connections between ideas.
  • Organize your thoughts more effectively.
  • Adapt your Research Workspace to your current needs.

Getting Started with Cascading Context

  1. Create some notes and mind maps in your HyperEditor.
  2. Use Trail Links to connect your ideas.
  3. Experiment with the Interwingle dial to see how your information reorganizes.
  4. Observe how different contexts emerge as you adjust the complexity.

Animated GIF: Demonstration of Cascading Context in action, showing how information reorganizes as Interwingle modes change

Pro Tips

  • Use GPS symbols to create anchor points in your knowledge network.
  • Combine Cascading Context with InstaCartography for AI-powered context discovery.
  • Experiment with different Interwingle modes to find the right balance of simplicity and complexity for your current task.

Ready to see your ideas in a whole new light?


For questions please email [email protected]