
Think Machine Definitions and Concepts

3D Mind Maps
Visual representations of ideas and their connections in three-dimensional space.
Cascading Context
A feature that allows ideas to have different meanings in different contexts, automatically building rich connections between notes and symbols.
Concept Map
A network of Trail Links forming a visual representation of ideas and their relationships.
A technique for representing words or concepts as vectors in a high-dimensional space, enabling semantic search and analysis.
General Schematics
An information programming language that powers Think Machine, extending Markdown with additional capabilities.
Global Positioning Symbols (GPS)
Unique reference points in your data that act as coordinates or landmarks in your world of ideas.
A term coined by Ted Nelson in 1963, referring to text displayed on a computer with references (hyperlinks) to other text that the reader can immediately access.
A concept combining Semantic Web principles with Markdown formatting in Think Machine.
Trail Links are hyperedges connecting symbols in a graph, representing complex relationships between ideas.
A flexible, multi-dimensional structure used in Think Machine to represent complex relationships between ideas, inspired by Stephen Wolfram's work on a Fundamental Theory of Physics.
Infinite Canvas Editor
The interface that provides an unlimited space for creating and connecting ideas.
An AI feature that automatically creates maps from user notes, helping to discover new connections in your knowledge.
A feature that allows users to adjust the interconnectedness of their ideas, helping to view information from different perspectives.
Knowledge Graph
A comprehensive representation of information that combines Memex, HyperText, HyperData, and HyperGraph concepts.
LLMs (Large Language Models)
Advanced AI models capable of understanding and generating human-like text, fundamental to many AI features in Think Machine.
A lightweight markup language created by John Gruber in 2004, designed to be easy to read and write, and the basis for General Schematics in Think Machine.
A hypothetical electromechanical device for storing and rapidly accessing information, proposed by Vannevar Bush in 1945, which inspired many features of Think Machine.
Networked Notes
Interconnected text documents that form the detailed content of your knowledge system.
Networked Thought
The practice of creating and exploring connections between ideas, central to Think Machine's approach.
The study of understanding, forming the philosophical foundation of Think Machine's approach to knowledge management.
Personal Research Workspace
A comprehensive environment in Think Machine that combines 3D Mind Maps, Networked Notes, and various features for knowledge management.
A powerful tool for exploring and navigating your knowledge graph, allowing you to filter and focus on specific parts of your information.
Second Brain
A concept of externalized knowledge management that Think Machine helps to implement.
Semantic Web
An extension of the World Wide Web, envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee, where web content is machine-readable and can be used for more effective discovery, automation, and reuse across applications.
Think Machine
A tool to build and explore information maps and territories, combining mind mapping with networked note-taking, inspired by historical concepts like the Memex and hypertext.
Thinking Machines
A concept introduced by Vannevar Bush in 1945, referring to devices that amplify and augment human cognitive abilities.
Trail Links
Super-powered hyperlinks that create paths through ideas, allowing for complex connections between concepts, inspired by Vannevar Bush's concept of "trails" in the Memex.
The core interface of Think Machine, allowing users to create both 3D Mind Maps and Networked Notes in one place using General Schematics.
Vector Search
A technique for finding similar items in a large set of data by comparing their vector representations, often used in conjunction with embeddings.
Wayfinder AI
A context-aware AI assistant that acts as a personal guide through your knowledge landscape.
A note-taking and knowledge management method that aligns with Think Machine's networked approach.


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