Think Machine — Multidimensional Mind Mapping
Multidimensional Mind Mapping App


Search and filter knowledge graphs with Think Machine

Think Machine was made to work well with subsets of a knowledge graph.

To search, select Search or hit Cmd+3 and enter any term on your graph.

Think Machine will instantly filter down your graph to only show that term and immediate connections.

You'll also see the term appear in the top-right corner, showing you your current search context.

Adding Searches

You can also search multiple terms, just add another term and hit enter.

Think Machine will show both of these on the graph, their immediate connections, and how they connect (if they do).

Click to Search

Just like input modes like Add and Generate, you can also click on any symbol to search for it.

Removing Searches

To remove a search, click the term in the top-right corner.

Search by Connection

When you add multiple searches, Think Machine will include anything with those terms.

To search by a connection, hold Shift while clicking on a symbol.

This will add the term to the previous search term and only show information that has that connection.

Expand Search

Think Machine can expand your current search context out by to see other related information.

This is an extremely powerful way to take a large and complex knowledge graph—and slice it down to only the information you need.


For questions please email [email protected]