Think Machine — Multidimensional Mind Mapping
Multidimensional Mind Mapping App

Save and Load

Save and load knowledge graphs with Think Machine

Think Machine lets you save and load your knowledge graph to your computer. This is a great way to back up your work and share it with others.

On the Web, these are built into the settings menu at the bottom-left corner. On your Desktop, these are built into the file menu with keyboard shortcuts.

Please save files frequently while Think Machine is in early public testing!

Think Machine Web

Export your knowledge graph by selecting Save from the settings menu. This will save a CSV file to your computer.

Think Machine Desktop

Export your knowledge graph by selecting File -> Save or hitting Cmd+S. This will save a CSV file to your computer.

Load an existing knowledge graph by selecting File -> Load or hitting Cmd+O. This will load a CSV file from your computer.


For questions please email [email protected]